Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Show us your prefix!

Have just returned from the wonderful nerd-up that was the Australian Languages Workshop 2009 held at the beautiful Kioloa - ANU's coastal Campus.  To any budding linguist (whose cunning is yet to be discovered) it was real-life immersion in one's undergrad bibliography - and they say immersion is a great way to learn!

Topics and issues were from the fun and finicky (getting down and dirty with the nitty gritty of various grammatical, phonological, semantic question marks of particular languages) to the political hot potatoes (the bilingual debate, language ownership vs. linguistic thievery, and various other Governmental and just plain mental decisions which are wreaking havoc on the world's most endangered languages).

Of course, there were puns aplenty and jocular (but jovial) slinging matches between the longstanding linguistic heavy weights of Australian Linguistics.  A section of the lingo-blogosphere was also present: Jangari, Sophie, Jane, Bulanjdjan (and any I have forgotten) it was great to see you in the flesh.

Well, word to the nerd!  Hope to do it all again next year.



Greg Dickson said...

It may have been a nerd-up but i feel like a nerd for *not* going.


sounds like fun.

I think I need to pay someone to drag my out of my shell and along to these things...

Anonymous said...

I'll beat it into you to come to the AIATSIS conference in the middle of the year, shall I?

bulanjdjan said...

Yes come to the AIATSIS conference! Though, be sure to come Sept 29 - Oct 1, and not mid-year!

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i feel like a nerd for *not* going.